
What AJIR isn't

Maybe you understood what AJIR's goals are and what it is, but here you will find what it is not. It is useful for us as well to keep focus on what we really want to achieve with AJIR.

A personal task list

AJIR's focus should remain on Product Management. Of course, you can manage related Tasks in pretty granular details in AJIR, but we think that for pure personal task lists, using a separate tool is fine. In its simplest form, you can also use AJIR Notes on your user profile page.

A good example is Todoist.

A chat application

Chats are messy and at the moment, we don't see any advantage in integrating chat features in AJIR. Amazing chats already exist and in our opinion, they are only useful to exchange information in an asynchronous fashion, not as a store of information.

Of course, it is sometimes useful to mention an AJIR object or its url in a chat application.

A good example is Telegram.

A notification center

There is no notifications in AJIR and it should remain so. We think that information overload is a serious topic and think that everything is easily accessible in AJIR so you don't need notification distraction.

Lionel - April 3, 2023